20 free methods the Allergy

What must be done by us so that the allergy does not relapse again?
The allergy could to food disrupt our living comfort. Diarrhoea, inflated, the head of the headache, the weak, lazy and tired concentration power that was abundant, all that was not foreign for them that the allergy against food. In fact, the allergy could in overcame easily, except the illness celiac and the allergy against milk. The method is, between other by avoiding foods that caused the allergy for the certain period.
If you PATTERN sensitive, increasingly often consumption of a food kind, increasingly big your sensitivity against food. ‘Cause that was better you consumption of food that varied every day.
Eat the FOUNDER's FOOD of the BODY
The pattern ate that was too big the portion of his carbohydrate and not all that consumption of food from nutrition like fish, meat without fat, fruits, and vegetables could hinder the work of the digestion in the body. Then better if we consumption of balanced food protein, the fatty acid omega,vitamin and the mineral.
Confirmed system your digestion functioned efficiently. The digestion system that was good was the key to avoid relapsed him the allergy. Eat food that contained the living bacteria a yoghurt fairy, the cabbage pickle and miso.
The life style person of the city that was far was different from the pattern of eating traditional that was healthy but also was not arranged could cause not so well him system the digestion.
Eat FOOD in accordance with the Season
Consumption of food in accordance with the season not only better than the aspect of the nutrient, but also the natural method of avoiding the dependence on certain food that was the main cause of the allergy relapsed.
was very important for the body. The fast, running, cycling or swimming road has for approximately 30 minutes sufficed. If being carried out by you 2 or 3 times in a week, your body will be felt healthier.
Increase ENZIM
The low level of the production of the digestion liquid will hinder the work system the digestion and the initiator of the reaction of the allergy. Pawpaws and pineapples contained the enzyme papain and bromelain that launched the process of metabolism protein. Don't excessive was abundant in consuming this fruit because of could cause the irritation in the large intestine. If you were not sick the stomach, considered to consume the supplement to the enzyme with spectrum the area.
The pattern of the diet that recommended consumption of one food kind in the excessive number, like the cabbage soup diet or the citrus fruit grapefruit will disrupt system the body so as to trigger the allergy.
Diet with the level of high sugar also disrupted the development of the good bacteria, increased the growth of the harmful bacteria. Yeast that loosened the association of the cell to the wall of the intestines also increased. As a result the wall membrane of the intestines was easy in penetrated by the waste of food and the toxin so as you became more susceptible the allergy.
Glutamin in being a kind of amino acid, food for the wall membrane of the intestines. The wall membrane of the healthy intestines could carry out regeneration quickly as well as obstructed the microbe and poison enter blood. Glutamin could in found to the fish, meat, the raw cabbage and bit.
Be on the alert the CHEMICAL
You sensitive towards one chemical kind? It would be better if possibly you could avoid the chemical that could make the allergy for yourself.
Follow the pattern of eating your ancestors
Ada your possibility inherited the certain enzyme kind that in accordance withyou’re your ethnic background. ‘Cause that, followed the pattern of eating your ancestors who were good for your body.
Pare,daun pawpaws, bitter mustard greens or endive and chicory could stimulate the digestion. They could help the production of bile water and the other digestion liquid, so as to help prevented the allergy
Garlic as antibiotic that was very potent, helped killed the harmful bacteria and pushed the growth of the good bacteria. The best method of consuming the garlic was raw. The thin slice of tomatoes, added the garlic that has in the thin piece as well as the fresh bacillus leaves, the drop with olives oil, the blend of his taste could reduce the sharp feeling of the garlic.
Don't postpone to The TOILET
Postpone defecated, his risk was the disturbance of the balance of the bacteria in the digestion and constipation
CONSUMPTION of The inflammation TURMERIC
to the intestines, possibly in the trigger by the medicine, gastroenteritis, or poison could become the problem for many people. Enteritis more was easy in Spare protein that not in dissolved well, so as annoying system body immunity. That was most potent was consumption of turmeric, because contained curcumin. For Be ill irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis, really was good for consumed them.
Medicine tobacco stimulant, coffee and alcohol could load system the digestion and the process detoksifikasi the body.
The surplus adrenalin resulting from stress caused the tension in system the digestion. To avoid stress, in suggested often-often to rest for a moment, relax with the respiratory exercise.
Don't eat Fastest
Digested slow and comprehensive food. Even more food that digested in the mouth, increasingly efficient the work system your digestion.
Eat was abundant caused the tension in system the digestion. If the body could not produce enough enzymes to digest food, the food molecule that could not in spare by the body even more. The impact is, the risk of the allergy increased, so stopped eating during you felt was full.
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