The benefit of the crop of Rosella

From top to bottom, the yard crop had the usefulness. Was based on the research, the leaves, the seed, the stick, as far as the root rosella evidently could be made use of as heterogenous medicine the illness.
Uptil now, rosella often decorated the yard of houses in Indonesia. Apart from as decorative plants, rosella often was used as food accessories that delicious. but rosella now was used for medical treatment of various illnesses among them:
1. As Anti Oxidant.
In Indonesia, the research about the test and the activity of the nutrients component anti the oxidant to the flower sheath rosella had been researched by Ir. Didah Nurfaridah in 2005, in his research, the staff of Knowledge and Inserted Breaker Food Fakultas Teknologi Technology of the department's teacher agriculture, the Institute of Pertanian Bogor, found that the level of anti the oxidant in the flower sheath rosella dry far more higher compared with the crop and the knob flower of the cat moustache. The active substance that most played a role in the flower sheath rosella covered gossypetin, anthosianin, and glucoside hibiscin.
The level of anti the oxidant that was high to the sheath rosella could hinder the free radical. Some chronic illness that often was experienced at this time was often caused by the explanation of the free radical yangn excessive. Among them damage ginjal,diabetes, mellitus, the heart of the coroner, through to cancer. Moreover, the free radical could also cause the process of early ageing. It was increasingly thick that the red colour to the flower sheath rosella, it seems will be increasingly sour and the content anthosianin (as anti the oxidant) increasingly high. Unfortunately the level of anti this oxidant to decreased when experiencing the process of the heating and drainage (with the oven). The level of anti this oxidant was in the highest level if being consumed in the form of dry.
2. Anti of Cancer
in the cancer with Body the existence anti the oxidant, the radical's damaging free cells the core of the cell could in eliminated. That was the reason rosella had the effect anti cancer.
Results of the research of Hui-Hsuan the route from Institute Of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Chung San Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, Proved that rosella was anti side cancer. His research found anti the oxidant rosella killed the cancer cell with the method sitotoksis and apoptosis. The other research that was carried out by DE-Xing Hou in Japan, a researcher from Department of Biochemical Science Ang Technology, Faculty Of Agricultur, Kagoshima University, Japan, found that delphidin 3-sambubioside, antioksidan rosella potent overcame blood cancer alias leukemia.. His procedure by hindering the occurrence lost membrane mitokondria and the release sitokrom from mitokondria to setosol.
3. Anti Hipertensi.
Mauren Williams, ND, a Doctor naturopathy from Bastyr University in Seattle, the United States, carried out the study against 70 people with the level of the minor hypertension illness to was that was in the healthy condition and did not carry out medical treatment anything since a month before the research was carried out. Randomly, some people were asked for to consume the rosella totalling 1 litre before breakfast,The rest consumed 25 mg medicine anti hypertension. After four weeks, evidently blood pressure diastolic decreased through to ten figures for 79 % the person that consumed rosella and 84 % for the person who consumed medicine anti hipertensi.
4. The Heart guard
Chau-Jung Wang from Institute Of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, College Of Medicine, Chung San Medical University, Taichung Taiwan, found the other usefulness rosella. Results of his research showed that the extract rosella could protect the mouse liver. After being given 1-5 % rosella for 9 weeks, heart damage like steasis and fibrosis descended. His work method by means of lowered aspartate aminotransferase (ALT), improved the number glutathione that decreased, as well as hindered the increase in the number perosida fat resulting from the injection of the heart illness.
5. Prevented Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis Os Zat most important in rosella that played a role in preventing osteoporosis being calcium. The content of calcium in rosella was high enough that is 486 mg/100 gr. The main function of calcium was to fill up the density (the density) bones. Calcium in bones had two functions that is as the integral part of the structure of bones and as the place of the storage of calcium. In the beginning stage of the growth of the embryo, was formed by the matrix as the young coconut the future body bones. Afterwards this matrix increasingly strengthened through the process of calcification that is the formation of mineral crystal. Calcium and phosphorus were the main element in this structure, so as both of them must be in the number that was enough to be received in the liquid that surrounded the bones matrix.
6. The other benefit of the Rosella.
The other benefit of the flower rosella that is as laksative and the natural diuretic, that could maintain the health of the kidney, reduced blood pressure, reduced the sign of the cough that was accompanied with dahak, also refreshed and eliminated the thirst. Apart from being processed into tea, jam, beautiful and syrup, rosella also could be processed into the fresh drink that his production really was easy.
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