Natural medical treatment from PETAI

Was smelly PETAI that was not delicious and it was considered was not prestigious because of being the people's small food, had many benefits for the health of the body. Along with this several benefits petai as results of experts's research overseas.
Petai could calm depression because of containing protein triptofan that in the body was changed to serotonin. Serotonin could make us relax. Serotonin could improve the atmosphere of the heart (mood). Generally serotonin made us happier.
PMS (premenstrual syndrome).
Various not comfortable feelings gazed at menstruation like the migraine or the headache, was sick under the navel dll. could be calmed with ate petai. No need to drink the pill. This was caused petai contained vitamins B6 that was calmed and arranged the level of blood sugar.
The content of iron that was high in petai, could stimulate the production of red blood cells so as petai could help calmed anaemia.
Petai contained the level of high potassium but low salt so as to cause him to be able to wage war on hypertension. So perfect him the level of potassium, so as FDA in America permitted the plantation petai carried out the official claim concerning the capacity this to reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke.
The brain capacity.
An amount 200 students in Twickenham, Middlesex, England, that will follow the final examination was given the menu petai at the time of breakfast and the lunch. Results of observation, they felt not the difficulty completed matters of the exam. The research said that petai contained high potassium that made the students in the condition be on the alert.
The content of high fibre, made petai facilitated the CHAPTER and problems of the other digestion.
Was full.
Petai that had the effect antacid, made him could calm the feeling was not comfortable (hot on the chest) that was caused was full.
Nausea in the morning.
Eat petai between the hour ate will make the level of blood sugar stable and was avoided from nausea and vomited
The mosquitoes bite.
Did not need medicine anti mosquitoes, used the skin interior petai. Rubbed to your skin, was guaranteed mosquitoes avoided you.
Arranged the temperature of the body.
As that had energy yin (cold), petai was believed could reduce the temperature of the body and emotions, especially for the mother was pregnant. This was practised in the Netherlands.
The side wound.
Petai could maintain the health of the digestion by neutralising side acid and reducing the irritation.
Petai could help you who wanted to stop smoked. Vitamins B6 and B12 with potassium and magnesium that were contained petai could help you quickly to cure the effect of cigarettes addiction.
When we stress, the body will lose the potassium mineral. With ate petai that the level of high potassium, then the level of potassium in the body would fast was balanced again.
The research that was contained in The New England Journal of Medicine said that eating the menu petai everyday can reduce the risk stroke until 40%.
Could not be denied that petai was some superfood. Therefore, still should not insult Petai!
And because of the experts in the west compared him with apples, then apparently already during him we changed the An saying apple a day keeps the Doctor to A petai a day keeps the Doctor away.
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