PETAI nutrient, of the same class with apples?

Because of being smelly him that was not delicious, petai evidently was rich in nutrition and was useful natural medicine.
And spoke about petai, that visible must be smelly him. But various researches in the west found that petai had the content of extraordinary nutrition, and was useful as natural medicine. Contained antioksidan that could ward off various illnesses, petai could increase the studying capacity the child and eliminated depression.
The source of your instant energy
possibly did not think or did not know that petai the level of high fibre. Moreover, in the seed petai was gotten by the content of three sugar kinds that is glucose, sucrose, and fruktosa.Combination of sugar and this fibre produced energy was ready with, so as made petai as the source of instant energy (142 kkal per 100 seeds petai) that was competent and durable. This energy that was quite significant could remain for approximately 90 minutes. That was the reason petai often was used in compiling the menus for the athlete and the field worker. According to medical China, petai including cold, that is energy that was owned by him was yin. T yin. Because of that petai was believed could reduce the temperature of the body and emotions. Also it was considered could calm the stomach and nerves.
The content of fibre that was high with the soft texture caused petai really was good for the health of the digestion channel. Petai could neutralise side acid and reduced the irritation of the side by means of covering the surface in the side. Petai also had the effect antacid. So if you felt the hot chest was caused by most ate, ate petai to reduce the feeling was not comfortable this. The research in the west showed that compared with apples, petai berkadar protein of four fold times was higher, the carbohydrate twice the fold, phosphorus of three fold times (115 mg per 100 seeds), vitamin A (200 IU per 100 seeds) and iron (1,2 mg per 100 seeds) five fold times. Whereas vitamin C 46 mg per 100 seeds.
Why was smelly?
In the west petai received the nickname the most horrible food in the world. Ld. . . . What was the cause of the sensational smell? Amino acids that were contained in petai that was dominated by the amino acid that contained the element of sulphur! When becoming the smaller component, this amino acid will produce the smell. One of them gas H2S (hydrogen sulfide) that was smelly him as farting.
Was smelly petai quite annoying, especially for them that did not like petai. His smell spread from the mouth when chatting and from the toilet when urinating that was imperfect splashed him. However our ancestors had the method that was potent enough to reduce the smell petai, although scientifically was not yet proven. Consumption the cucumber after ate petai, then was smelly petai on your mouth no longer stang. Or sucked few coffee powders for several minutes. Was smelly petai also could be reduced by cooking him was rather old.
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Nirmala Magazine
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